Repair Manuals
We have available most every manual
in print for BMW, Porsche, and Mercedes Benz, along with microfische.
Please email us with your wishes...we're happy to obtain the
books you need! |
BMW 3 Series (E46) Service Manual 1999-2005

by Bentley Publishers
Softcover, 8 3/8 in. by 11 in,1144 pages ,Over
1700 photos, illustrations and diagrams, Bentley Stock Number:
B305 Only $99.50
Models and engines covered:
1999 - 2000
323i/Ci (M52TU 2.5L engine)
328i/Ci (M52TU 2.8L engine)
2001 on (including all wheel drive)
325i/Ci/xi (M54 2.5L engine)
330i/Ci/xi (M54 3.0L engine)
* Maintenance procedures for everything from brake fluid changes
to interpreting the Check Engine indicator light. This manual
tells you what to do and how and when to do it.
* Engine and cylinder head service, repair and reconditioning,
including camshaft timing chain setup and adjustment.
* Information for specific driveability problems, including
explanation of engine management systems and OBD II (On-Board
Diagnostics II).
* Theory of operation and repair information for the resonance/turbulence
intake system, VANOS (Variable Camshaft Timing) and Dynamic Stability
Control (DSC).
* Drivetrain maintenance, troubleshooting, adjustment and
repair, including hydraulic clutch, gearshift linkage, driveshaft
and all wheel drive system.
* Heating and air conditioning repair, including
A/C component replacement.
* Body adjustments and repairs, including convertible top
and tailgate replacement and adjustment.
* Wiring schematics for all circuits, including power distribution,
grounds, and component location illustrations and photos.
Suggested List $119.50 |
OUR PRICE $99.50 |
Order Qty (B305) |
Bentley 7 series 1988-94
Repair Manual

In stock and ready to ship
Covers all 1988-94 735i, 735iL, 740i, 740iL,
750iL |
Features |
Engine Service , Repair and Reconditioning.
Including valve adjustment (M30 engine) and camshaft timing chain
set up for the V8 & V12 engines |
Information on specific driveability problems
for DME 1.2 (Early & Late) DME 1.3,1.7 &3.3 engine management
systems. On Board Diagnostics and Electronic throttle control. |
Suspension and Brake system Maintenance,
troubleshooting, adjustment and repair, including ABS and traction
control ASC / ASC+T, Self levelking suspension and electronic
damping control |
Automatic Heating and Air Conditioning repair
including Air conditioning component replacement. |
Body Adjustments and repairs |
Wire Schematics for all circuits including
power distribution, ground circuits and an expanded electrical
component location section. |
Comprehensive factory tolerances, wear limits
, adjustments and torques that you have conme to expect from
the Bentley repair manuals |
Maintenance procedures for everything from
brake fluid changes to resetting the service indicator. This
manual tells you what to do and how to do it |
A very comprehensive book. 8 1/2 X 11' and almost 1000 pages
of detailed information, pictures, diagrams and schematics. Suggested
List $119.00
(#B794) Our Price $99.50 Qty
This shop manual is now avalable to our
customers at $17.50 a copy. This is a long-awaited book, since
there is no other that covers the E-36 cars as well. The manual
is based on a complete teardown and rebuild, a normal Haynes
318i, is 1992-95
318i conv. 1992-95
318ti 1995
325i, is, ic 1992-95
328i, is, ic 1996 & 97
Here are other Haynes repar books that we carry
Bentley 3 Series 1992-98

Front Cover |

Back Cover |
BMW 3 Series (E36 ) . We have them in stock and ready
to send out. The manual covers 1992-98 318, 313, 325. 328 &
M3. A very comprehensive manual for repairs and service. You
will appreciate the quality of the photos, illustrations and
the straight foward way in which they tell you about the workings
of the car. Complete from front to rear with over 750 pages of
information and more then 950 pictures and illustrations. Soft
cover 8.5" X 11".A very complete manual . Weighs almost
5 lbs. |
# B398 Suggested Retail $69.95 |
Our Price $64.50
Quanity |
Ordering Tip
Enter number of items into box along side the part then click
on the "Add my selections to the cart" button
at the bottom of the page |
Robert Bentley Service Manuals
These must-have books cover engine management systems, Bosch
L-Jetronic, Motronic (325e, s), Motronic 1.1 (325i, is, ic),
wiring schematics, rebuilding and technical tips, hard-to-find
information, and much more. Large and complete.
(Does not cover 318is, 325ix, or M3)
3 SERIES, 19841990 · 318i, 325,
325e,325es, 325is, 325i , ic |
$42.50 Quantity |
5 SERIES, 19821988 ·528e,
533i, 535i, 535is |
$54.50 Quantity |
This book, weighing on at almost 3 1/2 pounds, is packed with
672 pages and 926 photos, illustrations and diagrams providing
the highest level of clarity and completeness for all service
and repair procedures. If you're looking for a better understanding
of your BMW, look no further than Bentley.
5 SERIES, 19891995 · 525i,
530, 535i, 540i including Touring |
$68.50 Quantity #B595 |
NEW - Bentley Z3 Repair
This new Bentley manual is the only comprehensive, single source
of service information and specifications available for the Z3
roadster. The do-it-yourself BMW owner will find this manual
, indispensable as a detailed source of repair information -
any owner will benefit from reading and referring to it when
planning maintenance and repairs.
· Covers both 4 cylinder M44 and 6 cylinder
M52 engines, including dual camshaft timing chain setup and adjustment,
including VANOS variable valve timing on 6 cyl cars.
· Information on specific driveability problems,
and explanation of OBDII (On-Board Diagnostics II) and engine
management systems.
· Heating, AC component replacement, body adjustments
and repair, transmission main tenance, driveline details, and
complete wiring diagrams including component location.
· Comprehensive BMW factory tolerances, wear
limits, adjustments, and torques listed, along with many helpful
illustrations and instructions.
All the detail and quality information you expect
from Bentley.
Z3 1996-02 4 & 6 Cylinder |
Quanity #BZ02 |
Porsche 911 SC Service
Coupe, Targa and Cabriolet
Bentley Publishers
Softcover, 8 3/8 in. by 11 in.
672 pages and over
1100 photographs, illustrations, and diagrams
Bentley Stock Number: P983
$99.50 Quanity |
911 Carrera Service Manual
Coupe, Targa and Cabriolet
by Bentley Publishers
Softcover, 8 3/8 in. by 11 in.
758 pages with over
1200 photographs, illustrations, and diagrams
Bentley Stock Number: P989
$99.50 Quanity