How to Order
Our interactive shopping cart system allows you to order when it's convienent
for you, regardless of the time or day. You can shop with confidence using
our SECURE browser.
You may also place your order with us via telephone,
fax, mail or email
(or stop by our store!). Please include the year, make, model, body
style and engine/transmission information with your order so we can ensure
you get the items you need promptly. Also, include a daytime phone number
so we may contact you for any questions we may have with your order. California
residents must include 7.75% sales tax along with the shipping charges.
If you'd like to order via email
but prefer not to send your credit card info via the 'net, please note that
in your order, and we will call you for your card information, so that you
remain protected.
Mesa Performance accepts your personal check, money order, VISA,
MasterCard, Discover and AMEX. Sorry, we do not ship
We do not charge inflated handling charges. We use UPS surface. Your
shipping charge net amount is itemized on your credit card. For check orders,
include $6.50 for shipping and we will either refund the difference or ask
you to remit a balance. Please contact us for our return policy should you
need to return an item.
The names "Porsche," "BMW," and other manafacturer's
make and model numbers used in this catalog are for identification only,
and do not imply any connection between the manufacturers and Mesa Performance
Parts. |